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Learn How To Tie A Bead Weavers Knot

You've made a solid start on your bead weaving project, but you're about to run out of thread, what do you do? Fear not! Just cut a new length of thread, and tie a beadweavers knot...
Follow our steps below to learn how to tie this type of super handy knot! And the best part, is the end gets woven in as you weave! One of the things I cannot stand in a project is weaving in the ends at the end, especially on a length of wide peyote. It's not always practical to start off with the correct length of beading thread (it would be SO long!), or sometimes you don't know how much beading thread you will need!
I was shown a variation of the weavers knot and it was an absolute game changer for my beading weaving projects. Now I no longer have tons of ends to weave in and the join is so strong!

Step 1

Take your new length of thread and stretch the beading thread. Cross the thread over itself to make a loop. Hold the loop between your thumb and forefinger.

Step 2

Take the tail and cross it directly over the loop and again hold in place.

Step 3

Pinch the thread from underneath in half and fold back to the cross and secure between your fingers.

Step 4

Pull the new length slowly to secure the larger loop over the cross so that the pinched loop is left.

Step 5

Thread your old thread through the loop you've made with your new thread.

Step 6

Join the new thread roughly 2cm away from your working beadwork, this way the ends will weave in as you go and when finished you can just trim the threads poking out. Pull both ends of the new working threads tight and you should hear it “click”. Pull on the old and new thread to make certain that it is secure.


We would recommend practsing this knot on some thicker scrap thread such as rattail, until you are confident to use it on your beadwork. If you are working on a thread heavy piece then attach the thread closer to your beadwork.
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