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Free Instructions: Daisy Chain Earrings

Materials Needed: Size 8/0 Seed bead Mix (We used SB8MX18), 3g Size 8/0 Matte metallic Gold Seed Beads (ME832), 3g size 11/0 Matte Metallic Gold Seed Beads (ME1132), 2 x 5mm jump rings (JR5GP), 2 x Ear wires (LBWGP), beading thread (NMD02

Tools Required: 2 x Size 13 beading needle (ND13), a sharp pair of scissors (SCIMX), 2 x chain nosed pliers (BEECN-1), a beading mat (BMT)


Legend: A = Size 8/0 coloured seed bead, B= Size 8/0 Matte metallic gold seed bead, C= Size 11/0 Matte metallic gold seed bead

1. Take 100cm length of stretched beading thread, thread 1B, 4A, move along so your beads are in the middle of your thread (photo 1). We used black beading thread so the images are clearer. We used white beading thread to make our earrings.
2. Loop your needle around, and pass back through the last A you threaded in step 1 (photo 2)
3. Pick up 2As, loop your needle around and pass through the first A you picked up in step 1 (photo 3)
4. Pass back through the 1 B (photo 4)
5. Pass up through the A you passed through in step 2 (photo 4)
6. Adjust your threads so they are neat, but do not pull too tight. Pick up 1C, and pass through the next 1A (photo 6)
7. Repeat step 6 five time, rotate your beadwork so that the threads are at the top (photo 7)
8. Thread a needle on to your other thread, thread 6Cs onto each thread (photo 8)
9. Position both your needles to the top of your beadwork, pick up 1A, 5Cs, 1B and pass both your needles through  (photo 9)
10. Missing out the 1B, pass both your needles back down the 1C (photo 10), then down the other 4Cs and 1A
11. Pull your thread to a suitable tension, pass one needle down one 6C thread path, and the other needle down the other 6C thread path (photo 11). Secure and sew in your threads and trim.
12. Using chain nosed pliers, open up one jump ring, loop it onto the end 1B and an ear wire, close the jump ring.

13. Repeat all the steps again to make your second pair of earrings

How to secure your thread

To secure your thread, pass the needle under a thread between beads and pull through until there is a small loop remaining.  Pass over the original thread and through the loop and pull tight ensuring the knot forms between the beads.  Pass through a few more beads and repeat.  Pass through some more beads and trim the thread

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