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Free Instructions: Star Sapphire Pendant - Blue

Follow our Free Illustrated Instructions below to make your own sparkling Star Sapphire pendant, showcasing the beautiful Preciosa bicones crystals in sizes 4mm and 5mm. We have chosen the gorgeous shades of Sapphire, which would make it an ideal September Birthday gift. Nothing is more personal then handmade jewellery..

Or why not choose your own colour way! Our Star Sapphire products is ideal for beginners to beadweaving

Materials Needed

6 x 5mm Preciosa Sapphire crystal bicones  ( CPB530050-24 )
6 x 4mm  Preciosa Opal Sapphire crystal bicones ( CPB431110-20 )
3g x size 8/0 Preciosa Matte Metallic Silver ( ME831 )
3g x size 11/0 Preciosa Matte Metallic Silver ( ME1131 )
Beading thread – we used pale blue Nymo ( NMD ) or you can use KO thread which is easier to work with ( KO )
1 x 5mm jump ring ( JR5SP ), 
1 x assembled chain (we used CHB18WG )

Tools required

A size 15 beading needle ( ND15 )
A sharp pair of scissors ( SCI )
A beading matt ( BMT )
2 x chain nosed pliers ( BEECN )

Ending & securing your thread

Wth your working thread, create a loop around an existing thread path, pass through the loop, tighten to secure. Continue to weave along the existing thread path, them trim


A = 5mm crystal bicone, B= 4mm crystal bicone, C= size 11/0 seed bead, D= size 8/0 seed beads
  1. Thread your needle onto a  comfortable  length of stretched beading thread. Thread 1A, 1C, 1 B, 1C, 1A, 1C, leaving a 20cm tail (photo 1)
2. Loop your needle around to the beginning, pass through all the beads - apart from the last 1C (photo 2)
3. Pick up 1C, 1A, 1C,1B, 1C, loop up and around, and down the 1A you passed through in the previous step (photo 3)
4. Pass  up through the first C you picked up in the previous step, and the 1A you picked up in the previous step (photo 4)
5. Pick up 1C, 1B, 1C 1A, 1C,  loop down, around, and up through the 1A you passed through in the previous step (photo 5)
6. Pass through the 1C, 1B , 1C, 1A you picked up in the previous step (photo 6)
7. Repeat step 3-6 twice more, so you have used 6As, and 5Bs (photo 7)
8. Pick up 1C, and pass up through the first A you picked up in step one (photo 8)
9. Pick up 1C, 1B,  1C, and pass down through the last 1A you picked up. (photo 9a) You now have a full circle! (photo 9b)
10. Remove your needle, and thread it onto your tail. Pass through all 6Cs that make a little inside circle to strengthen, secure your thread  (photo 10)
11. Remove your needle from the tail, and thread back on to your working thread. Pass through 1C, up through 1a,  along through 1C, 1B, 1 C. (photo 11)
12. Pick up 3 C and pass through the next 1C, 1B, 1C (photo 12)
13. Pick up 1D, pass through the next 1C, 1B, 1C (photo 13)
14. Repeat step 13 four more times (photo 14)
15. Weave in, secure your thread and trim. (Photo 15)
16. Using two pairs of chain nosed pliers, open up 1 jump ring, loop it onto your chain, and onto your little beaded loop you created in step 12. Close your jump ring (photo 16)

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